Friday, September 21, 2007

The End.

I sadly regret to inform you that I will no longer continue posting to this blog. Why, you ask? Well, I basically upload all my photos from iPhoto on my Mac to and then post my Flickr pics to my Blogspot account. When... in fact... I can basically just blog from my Flickr account. Here's the link:

I will also keep my account since a lot of people I know continue to contact me this way. Link:

No use in duplicating everything, folks. :)

Anyhooo's..... keep checking my flickr accnt and my myspace...... but from now on? Blogspot? May you R.I.P.

That.... are all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww no! Mish! There are somethings in life that are just toohard to accept.

*cries eyes out*